Hope4Sudan established the primary school, which houses K-Grade 8 in 2008 near the town of Kapoeta. It continues to be the main source of education for the Toposa people provided by Hope4Sudan. Woven into the educational foundation, however, are other facets of training which have been birthed to meet the needs of the the students and villages we serve. Among those are Compass Kidz and the Girls Awareness Club in South Sudan. All of these ministries are supported by generous donors like you. Another focus in recent years has been to provide teacher training for the H4SS Primary School. This is a vital need that one of our fellow IPHC missionaries, Cheryl Turner, has worked hard to develop in South Sudan.
We are now in the initial planning stages of starting our own secondary school so that our high school students can continue their education in the same type of environment provided by our primary school. There are a lot of details to be worked out, so help us pray for the right location, the right teachers, and more sponsors to extend the school. Watch for the developing details over the next few months.
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