
Hope4Sudan established the primary school, which houses K-Grade 8 in 2008 near the town of Kapoeta. It continues to be the main source of education for the Toposa people provided by Hope4Sudan. Woven into the educational foundation, however, are other facets of training which have been birthed to meet the needs of the the students and villages we serve. Among those are Compass Kidz and the Girls Awareness Club in South Sudan. All of these ministries are supported by generous donors like you. Another focus in recent years has been to provide teacher training for the H4SS Primary School. This is a vital need that one of our fellow IPHC missionaries, Cheryl Turner, has worked hard to develop in South Sudan.

We are now in the initial planning stages of starting our own secondary school so that our high school students can continue their education in the same type of environment provided by our primary school. There are a lot of details to be worked out, so help us pray for the right location, the right teachers, and more sponsors to extend the school. Watch for the developing details over the next few months.

To become a supporter of any of these educational ministries, click on the GIVE on the navigation bar and make your selection choice from the dropdown list. 

K-8 primary school

The Hope4SouthSudan Primary School is known for excellence in a country where the illiteracy rate stands at about 65%. When the H4SS students sat for the country's first ever standardized testing a few years ago, they finished first in the whole county. They continue to rank in the top tier.

This school began in 2008 with only kindergarten and first grade. Each year, as the children advanced, a new grade was added. The school now serves grades K-8.  A special graduation was held in 2016, for the first class to have gone through all grade levels. 

The enrollment for the 2020 school term stood at about 220 students. They are fed a hot lunch at school each day. The Hope4SouthSudan Primary School is recognized as having the best facilities in the county, with the added perk of free healthcare for its students!

compass kidz

Hope4Sudan's compound is home to a growing ministry dedicated to boys from the streets in Kapoeta! Missionary Greg McClerkin has been taking in a few of them over the last several years.  A new house for the boys was completed on the compound in late 2018 which allows them to rescue and house a total of 10 boys. Of the boys in place now, five of them have been in the program for three plus years.

These boys are part of our next generation of church leaders as they are personally mentored and trained by key people on the compound. Thank you to the regular supporters who help us meet the basic needs of these boys and pray for them regularly. (We still need ongoing supporters.) We are grateful to other Hope4Sudan supporters who gave toward the building itself.

Hope4Sudan's ministry to the boys was featured last year by AP news after an Associate Press reporter showed up at the compound to interview our missionary. Please take a minute and read the article! The last interview is with Titus, one of the street boys we took in three years ago. Click here to  read that article.

Girls awareness club

Young girls in South Sudan deal with a lot of myths and cultural barriers when they begin the transition into womanhood. Due to lack of education, they walk into many traps unaware and end up facing the consequences for the rest of their lives. When three young ladies pulled out of school a few months ago due to pregnancy, the staff sat them down for a heart-to-heart talk. As it turns out, none of them had a clue as to how her pregnancy happened. The issue was so taboo that none of their elders had ever instructed them or warned them to keep themselves.

We immediately took action to start a Girls Awareness Club (GAC). It meets at the school once a month and hosts various professional women as speakers. This club aims to give spiritual, physical, and emotional counsel to girls who would otherwise be stumbling in the dark. Hope4Sudan
also provides the members (about 30 girls) with soap, hand towels, and feminine items. Pray with us that GAC will be a catalyst the Lord uses
to bring cultural change in a much-needed area, and most of all, that He will use it to win the souls under our care. If you would like to support this new ministry to girls, you may choose it from the dropdown list on the GIVE form.

teacher training

Cheryl Turner, one of our IPHC missionaries in Africa, is a trained teacher with a heart for education. She has made it her mission to provide teacher training wherever she goes on the African continent. She has traveled to South Sudan several times to join teams from the U.S. She has combined their skills with hers to provide at least two days of teacher training each time. This training has proven to be extremely valuable to our Hope4SSudan Primary School teachers.