come see for yourself

Should you decide to join us in South Sudan on one of our missions trips...

Expect to laugh, cry, and rejoice.

Expect to be challenged beyond words.

Expect to be blown away with compassion.

a trip like no other

If you think you might be interested in one of these H4S missions trips, check out the Q & A section by scrolling on down.

Who Should Go?

This trip is not for everyone because of the remote location and higher costs, but you just might be a perfect fit. While team members pay their own expenses (at an average of $3,500 per person) most of them will tell you that the returns are enormous.

What Kind of Teams Go?

A Hope4Sudan missions team is often made up of a mixture of smaller teams who work together to meet the current needs of the
Hope4Sudan Kapoeta compound and surrounding villages. The core team will generally be made up of medical staff while others
will work with the children, train teachers, prepare food, and assist the resident missionary and staff with various projects.

How Often & When Do Teams Go?

Medical Teams typically go once a year while construction teams are sent when specific needs arise.

All trips must be planned either in early Spring or late Fall to coincide with the dry season.

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want to join us?

Complete this form if you are interested in being placed on the list for an upcoming Hope4Sudan trip. Indicate the type of trip that you are interested in joining based on your skills and passions. Check the skill areas that apply to you. Each team member pays his/her own way.